HASA Liquid Feeder™
Better water quality results. Enhances clarity and provides more brilliant sparkle.

Backyard pool sanitization made easy!
The HASA Liquid Feeder™ is a state-of-the-art daily sanitizer system designed to automatically feed swimming pools using our high performance liquid sodium hypochlorite. Ideal for Pool Professionals or Pool Owners looking to keep pools Safe, Clean, and Clear without the hassle of increased CYA from trichlor tablets.
- Non-electrical
- Convenient to operate
- Eliminates need for tab floaters in your pool
- Easy installation
- Best cost per use
- Feeds whenever the filter pump is running
- Perfect for backyard pools
- Adds no additional CYA or calcium
HASA Liquid Feeder™ Step-by-Step Installation Video
Simple to use. Easy to install.
HLF Installation
Use with HASA Sani-Clor®
The feeder is designed for use with HASA Sani-Clor® sodium hypochlorite— the liquid sanitizer preferred by pool maintenance professionals and pool owners seeking a high-performance daily sanitizer. The HASA Liquid Feeder™ doesn’t increase calcium deposit build-up that is costly to remove.
High Performance Features
- Ultra-violet (UV) protected tank for extended life cycle
- Easier to fill, larger capacity unit allows for longer time intervals between fills
- Improved fittings and tubes enclosed for enhanced protection
- New bottom drain fitting
- Child-resistant entry
- Holds an average 2-week supply of sanitizer*
- New professional grade, look and performance
*May vary depending on region

Safety First
The HASA Liquid Feeder™ uses a simple technology that is better for the environment. The feeder is a proactive way to daily dose the simple effectiveness of HASA Sani-Clor® in your pool. The system uses no additional electricity and reduces the need for frequent pool drainings. The result: a clean, clear pool without unnecessary additives.