Super Stain-Out
1′ Tri-chlor Tablets. Controls Algae and Bacteria in Pool Water.

Available Sizes
- One Quart Bottle
HASA Super Stain Out is a highly concentrated sequestering agent that suspends copper, iron, manganese and calcium in solution. By staying in solution, metals are kept from staining the pool surface and calcium does not form scale. Fill water supplies often contain metals. When HASA Super Stain Out is used as part of the start up and regular maintenance program, the pool finish, pipes, equipment and other surfaces are protected from staining and scaling. HASA Super Stain Out also removes existing surface staining. However, stain and scale removal efforts may not be as successful as preventative.
Super Stain Out is compatible with bromine, chlorine, biquanides, ozone and salt water systems and may be used for all types of swimming pool finishes; fiberglass, vinyl, white or colored plaster, etc.
For Initial Treatment:
Add 1 quart of Super Stain Out for pools up to 40,000 gallons. This will neutralize the metallic ions of magnesium, iron, copper and calcium in pool water.
For severe stains, pour in water directly over affected area. This product will remove and help prevent stains for six months or more. Swimming can be resumed immediately after applying.
For Preventative Maintenance:
Add 4 ounces per 10,000 gallons of water once a week.
This is the best product available for preventing or removing stains. However, it is not unconditionally guaranteed since it is impossible to foresee all water and surface conditions in a swimming pool. Consult your experienced service technician for best results.
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