Alkalinity Up
Hi, guys. I'm Gabe Talese for Hasa. Today, we are looking at alkalinity up. As the name implies, it increases the total alkalinity of your swimming pool.
Use alkalinity up if your alkalinity is lower than a normal reading of eighty to a hundred and twenty parts per million. Let's talk about how we use alkalinity up to increase your alkalinity levels. While the pump is on, we'll add one point five pounds of alkalinity up per ten thousand gallons of swimming pool water by distributing it directly into the pool water to increase levels to about ten parts per million. Test your water again after four hours and repeat if needed.
To counter the alkalinity rising too much, use Hasa soda ash to raise the pH to keep the water nice and balanced.
Hey. This is Gabe Talese for Hasa. Thanks for checking in, and we hope this short video was helpful. For more information, please visit us at w w w dot hasapool dot com.
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