Eco Safe with phos out
Hi, guys. I'm Gabe Talese for HASA. Let's talk about Eco Safe pool enzyme and phosphate maintenance.
It's our industrial grade enzymes blended specifically for swimming pool water with a dosage of phosphout to help keep phosphate levels under control. ASSA's Eco Safe pool enzyme is concentrated and is effective in removing eighty to ninety percent of organic matter. It reduces sanitizer use and is cost effective, even for service usages. Hasa's Eco Safe Pool Enzyme eliminates scum and water line buildup. It also improves water clarity and increases filter cleanliness.
To help your water stay clear, we added a shot of Phosout, which can help reduce phosphates and unsightly scum line. It also improves water clarity. It's safe to swim immediately after use. Just like regular Eco Safe pool enzymes, this version with Phosout in it is convenient to use.
One quart removes one thousand parts per billion of phosphates per ten thousand gallons of pool water. Hey, this is Gabe Talese for HASA. Thanks for checking in, and we hope this short video was helpful. For more information, please visit us at w w w dot hasapool dot com.
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“Access to Safe, Clean, and Clear water is a basic human need. HASA was founded on the legacy of delivering high quality products to meet this need, and we will continue this legacy with new sustainable practices through the next century and beyond.”