Pool Conditioner
Hi, guys. I'm Gabe Talese for HASA. Today, we are looking at our pool conditioner, which can be used to reduce chlorine consumption in outdoor swimming pools due to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Pool conditioner will stabilize the chlorine residual for both liquid and dry chlorinating compounds. So how do we get the conditioner into the pool?
Start by adjusting the pool's pH level to seven point two to seven point six using HASA's soda ash or HASA's muriatic acid. Once the pH is within the recommended range, add HASA's pool conditioner through the skimmer while the pump is on, or add conditioner by mixing with water in a bucket and broadcasting directly into the pool at the rate of five pounds per twenty thousand gallons of pool water in unstabilized or new fills. This will give you about thirty parts per million of conditioner. Additionally, you can also introduce pool conditioner via large bucket slurry. Hey. This is Gabe Talese for HASA. Thanks for checking in, and we hope this short video was helpful.
For more information, please visit us at w w w dot HASA pool dot com.
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