Soda Ash
Hi, guys. I'm Gabe Talese for HASA. Today, we are looking at HASA's soda ash. It's designed to help increase the water's pH in swimming pools.
Here's how you use HASA's soda ash. Test the pH of the water with a reliable test kit. The recommended range for pH is between seven point two to seven point eight. If your pH is below seven point two, add HASA's soda ash at the rate of one pound per ten thousand gallons to raise the pH.
Apply HASA soda ash by broadcasting over the surface of the water at the deep end of the pool while filter and pump are running. Do not add more than two pounds at one time. Wait four to six hours after application and retest pH. Add more of Hasa soda ash if needed.
That's it. Hey. This is Gabe Talese for Hasa. Thanks for checking in, and we hope this short video was helpful.
For more information, please visit us at w w w dot casa pool dot com.
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