Hi, guys. I'm Gabe Talese for HASA.
Today, we are looking at yellow side, which will help you control yellow and mustard algae and leave no residue. It is a concentrated formula, so four ounces to every ten thousand gallons of pool water can help you keep your costs down. It is safe to use on all types of pool surfaces. Here's how you use yellow side.
Before adding yellow side, brush the walls and bottom of the pool, focusing on areas with visible algae growth. Use four ounces per ten thousand gallons, adding yellow side as close to the affected areas as possible. For pools with severe algae, double the dosage to eight ounces per ten thousand gallons. Super chlorinate with one gallon of HASA Sanichlore or HASAchlor twelve and a half percent sodium hypochlorite per ten thousand gallons of pool water.
Always circulate your pool and test the water to be sure the chlorine levels are at three parts per million or lower before advising your clients to swim. Hey. This is Gabe Talese for Hasa. Thanks for checking in, and we hope this short video was helpful.
For more information, please visit us at w w w dot hasa pool dot com.
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