Coupon Program

2024 Coupon Program

HASA offers our loyal retailer customers a pre-approved coupon program for promoting HASA products to their customers. HASA subsidizes these coupons through our marketing program. The amount available for coupons is up to 2% of the previous year’s qualifying purchases. This is in addition to the 3% Marketing Advertising Program Allowance.

Qualifying Dealers

  • Retailers must choose HASA Sani-Clor® & acid deposit products as their sole deposit liquid pool chlorine & acid product of choice to qualify.
  • Retailer must have chosen HASA as it's exclusive provider
  • Dealers must support deposit coupon program with product inventory and HASA POP materials.
Marketing Allowance Budget

If the established marketing allowance budget is exceeded, the participating retailer is responsible for excess coupon expenses.

Coupon Program Conditions
  • Coupons must be pre-approved by the HASA marketing department and include a HASA authorized ode. NO copies of coupons will be accepted.
  • Coupon expiration dates must take place in 2024 and will expire September 30, 2024
  • Anniversary/open house/sidewalk sales events using promotional HASA coupons may only use coupons for the event weekend only
  • Upon request, coupons can be picked up by your HASA rep
  • Please allow 4 weeks for processing
IMPORTANT: 2024 Coupon Program Enrollment must be signed, dated and approved by Hasa no later than May 30, 2024. Any questions regarding this or any Hasa program, please contact your Hasa rep or email for marketing support. For use by retailer for consumer purchases only. Program not intended for wholesale purchases. Coupons used for wholesale purchases will be null and void. This program cannot be combined with any other Hasa consumer discount such as Hasa’s punchcard program. I have read and understand the 2024 Coupon conditions and by signing this document I agree with its content:.

"*" indicates required fields


Discover why HASA is the go-to source for premier water treatment and sanitization on the market today—and why more major industries are turning to liquid sodium hypochlorite as the most trusted, economical water decontaminant available.

HASA is a sustainable brand committed to our environment

“Access to Safe, Clean, and Clear water is a basic human need.  HASA was founded on the   legacy of delivering high quality products to meet this need, and we will continue this legacy with new sustainable practices through the next century and beyond.”  

 Chris Brink, President & CEO, HASA, Inc.

Talk to Your HASA Industrial Representative to Learn More